Special International Program 2023

All’interno del XVII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ipnosi, in particolare nella giornata di sabato 11 Novembre 2023, si è svolto lo SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM in occasione del 50° anniversario di costituzione della International Society of Hypnosis (ISH). E’ stato un’occasione unica per vedere in azione i principali referenti dell’Ipnosi a livello mondiale. I Presidenti presenti e passati della ISH e membri del Board dell’International Society of Hypnosis hanno partecipato con I seguenti contributi:
During the XVII Congress of the Italian Society of Hypnosis , on the 11th of November, was held a SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM in order to celebrate the 50th Anniversary International Society of Hypnosis (ISH).  The event was an unique opportunity to see in action the most prominent Masters in the Hypnosis field. Present and former presidents and the Members of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH) provided lectures and workshops:


AWARDS CERIMONY for the celebration of 50th Anniversary of the International Society of Hypnosis

MARK JENSEN - L’uso dell’Ascolto Riflessivo in ipnosi per identificare suggestioni efficaci finalizzate al cambiamento

English title: “Using Hypnotic Reflective Listening to identify powerful suggestions for behavior change””

Bernhard Trenkle "Ipnoterapia Strategica. Come integrare l’ipnosi con altri approcci terapeutici"

English Title: “Strategic Hypnotherapy. How to combine hypnosis and other therapeutic approaches”

Katalyn Varga "Il coinvolgimento dell’ipnotista nell’ipnosi"

English Title: Hypnotist’s involvement in hypnosis

JULIE LINDEN "L'Ipnosi e la Storia dell'International Society of Hypnosis""

English Title: “Hypnosis and ISH History”

Enayat Shaidi "La Distorsione Temporale nella ipnosi clinica: come e quando utilizzarla"

English Title: Time distortion in the clinical setting: When and how to use it

Eva Banyai "La trance felice: Active- Alert Hypnosis (Storia, ricerca e applicazioni)"

English Title: “The happy trance: Active-alert hypnosis (History, research, and applications)”


Bio & Abstract ITA
Bio & Abstract EN

Teresa Robles L’Ipnosi Ericksoniana basata sulla Sabiduria Universal

English Title: “Ericksonian Hypnosis based on Universal Wisdom”

Krzysztof Klajs L’invito ipnotico a un buon futuro per la famiglia: Il Futurogramma.

English Title: “Hypnotic invitation to a good future for the family. Futuregram”


Bio & Abstract ITA
Bio & Abstract EN